The #PLASTICREVOLUTION comes to Sedbergh
Ben, Jack & Simon return to Sedbergh School to talk about The Flipflopi Project.
Hot off the heels of a fantastic week in Kenya, Ben, along with Jack Wood & Simon Scott-Harden headed off to their old school in Sedbergh, in Cumbria in the UK – to do a talk about the Flipflopi Project and single-use plastics. To tell the story, here are some pics from the day;
Preparing to talk to the 540 pupils of Sedbergh School on a glorious spring morning in the Lake District.
Jack rehearsing in the soon to be full Chapel
Walking into Chapel behind the Deputy Head and 6th form pupil Isobelle Page
… and action… Ben at the pulpit preaching the gospel of the #Plasticrevolution
Our visit was at the invitation of Isobelle Page, a 6th form pupil with a passion for Oceans and the life they sustain. She had arranged to for 3 consecutive days of school assemblies to be devoted to the Oceans. She led the first two, talking initially about the important role Oceans play in life on earth, and then secondly about the threats that marine ecosystems are facing.
Ours was the last of the 3 assemblies… the Flipflopi Project being an example of what individuals can do to make a positive impact on the oceans. The fact that we are former students hopefully made it more real.
Naturally as former pupils we loved the day but – more importantly the feedback from the school has been excellent:
“ We were delighted to welcome the Flip Flopi project to Sedbergh. The talk in assembly completely captivated our pupils and we are delighted as a School to give our full support to such a worthwhile idea. Post assembly, the pupils were full of questions and clearly motivated to support the project and it enabled them to think deeply about global issues. Thoroughly recommended” - Sedbergh School Deputy Headmaster, DJ Harrison
THE FLIPFLOPI EXHIBITION – @ The Hub, Main Street, Sedbergh. Thanks to the generosity of David and Tara Guthrie of A Tent with a View Safaris – The Flipflopi Project has an educational space on the high street in Sedbergh speading the #Plasticrevolution gospel. For more info – read our post The Flipflopi Exhibition
With special thanks to Dr Emily Fitzherbert and Isobelle Page for their part in organising our attendance.
- Jack – Powell House ’89 – ‘94
- Simon – Winder House ’88 – ‘93
- Ben – Sedgwick House ’88 – ‘93