Flipflopi Impact
“Flipflopi has proven boat-building to be a powerful scaling and multiplier mechanism for grassroots recycling, and a compelling platform for communication, education and policy engagement.”
— Dr Toby Gardner, Stockholm Environment Institute
impact highlights
Teaching practical circular economy skills and preserving indigenous skills at our Heritage Training Centre
12-week vocational course accredited with Lamu Polytechnic: 84 students completed courses (30% women) as of 2024
Our first expedition led to an audience reach of 850million via media coverage (Independent Media Reports from UNEP)
3 sailing expeditions covering 2500 km, directly engaged 20,000+ in just 10 weeks including policy-makers, businesses and schoolchildren
Built the world’s first recycled plastic sailing dhow and undertook three expeditions including Lake Victoria
Established first-of-its-kind plastic recovery centre and recycling facility for Lamu County serving 60% of the archipelago population
Recovered 300,000 kg of plastics and continue to collect an average of 10-12 tons a month
40+ sustainable heritage products developed with +50,000£ generated in product trials
Avoided 290 tCO2e in GHG emissions
Independent study ranked our model as having the highest health gain of all assessed projects
20% reduction in recyclable-plastics at local dumpsites
Initiated an East African Campaign to advocate for a ban of unnecessary SUPs and published a draft Bill together with Africa Legal Network
2024: Bill accepted for tabling in the EA Legislative Assembly
2021: Flipflopi model included as case study for good practice in Kenya’s First National Marine Litter Action Plan
2022: Included in Lamu Municipality’s First Solid Waste Management Policy as a key stakeholder
2019: Flipflopi was visited by the President of Kenya at the United Nations Environment Assembly and became a flagship symbol calling for a regional end to SUPs