Beach Clean – Ups with Kitty Inn

Over the neap tides of the 19th and 20th of May 2017, Diving The Crab and The Sands at Nomad sent out "Kitty Inn" to do beach clean - ups from Galu to Gazi beach. This project was initiated with the hopes of raising awareness and making a difference in remote locations. 

Diving The Crab is a five star PADI center (with our headquarters at The Sands at Nomad on Diani Beach in Kenya) offering over a dozen sites where divers may explore the vivid underwater world of turtles, octopus, moray eels, dolphins, sting rays, whale sharks (seasonally) and plenty more tropical reef fish.

With a crew of 6 people, on the morning of the 19th we set out South to our first hidden beach just after Kinondo. This small beach bay of around 60 meters was shockingly littered with everything from plastic water bottles, rubber shoes, pens, to bottle tops, flip flops and fridge pieces. Hidden amongst all of this discard of human consumption we came across four turtle nests marked by local employees of the Diani Turtle Watch. To find that such a corrupt and polluted situation has nevertheless been touched with care inspired us. Three hours later we headed on South, leaving this hidden beach with 200 kg less plastic and substantially bigger chances of seeing one of these turtle babies in a dive to come!

Over a timeframe of 8 hours during these two days, we collected 443 kg of plastic and rubber waste from these distant beaches, out of which 80 kg were flip flops collected towards The Flip Flopi Expedition. We are proud to protect these beaches from becoming a hiding space for human waste to be forgotten, and instead support the recycling of these materials, as well as the breeding grounds of life.

Every week we encourage the public to join us at 2.30 pm at The Sands at Nomad for Taka Taka Tuesday to further this quest of creating awareness and solutions towards the ocean pollution.

The Sands at Nomad and Diving The Crab are consistently moving towards environmental sustainability and awareness within all decision- making processes, projects and initiatives where cleaning up the environment is just one of many projects in which these two stake holders strive to make a difference.

Why do we do this?

Simply put, because we want to survive. 70% of the Oxygen in the atmosphere comes from marine plants. The truth is there exists no business or human on this planet who does not depend upon a healthy environment for long term survival. We realize that we cannot look at our business as a separate entity to the environment, if we want a bright future for ourselves and our businesses we must do everything we can to respect mother nature.

With each business decision comes hand in hand awareness and responsibility towards the environment. This responsibility is not in the hands of others, it is in every hand. We know that each little difference we make will ripple into an effect larger than we can anticipate, therefore we dedicate our time towards the development of a more peaceful and sustainable future for all life on this planet.

The Flipflopi Project