TRASH4CASH - 4 Weeks In...
Trash4Cash (T4C) with Kwale Plastic Plus Collectors (KPPC) on the South Coast of Kenya is now 4 weeks old and it has been a great success! A big thanks to Paul Savage, one of the volunteers at KPPC for sharing this update with us…
Over 5600 kgs of trash has been collected off the main highway passing through Ukunda by 25 young people in 8 4 hour sessions. That is over 225 kgs per person. That is a great effort. Thanks to everyone who has participated and supported this project.
T4C was conceived as a response to the Covid-19 pandemic and has two main objectives. To help some needy young people earn much needed money in a declining economy and to clean up the local environment especially our public spaces. It’s a win - win project and has been appreciated by many people who have witnessed its implementation and impact.
T4C has happened every Tuesday and Thursday since July 26th from 9 a.m. until 1 p.m. somewhere between Darling and Kona ya Musa along the LungaLunga Road passing through Ukunda. It has worked closely with Diani Municipality and the Kwale County Government and linked with the large green bins (Skips) provided by the County along the road. Waste that can be collected and recycled has been bagged and taken away for repurposing. Waste that cannot be repurposed has been put into the Skips to go to landfill.
Ukunda is looking much better and people are appreciative of a cleaner environment. We hope this encourages people to consider how and why trash is created (a lot of packaging and single use plastic), how they themselves contribute to the trash footprint, and what they can do to reduce it in their own lives and in the communities they live in.
“I am really grateful for this opportunity. It has been a really hard time and it is still hard for those at home. The project has really helped me and my family. At least every evening I have something to take home after the clean-up. I hope the project keeps going beyond the initial 6 weeks. (Mohamed Maneno)”
Participants have tackled some difficult places during the 4 weeks – waste lying in pools of dirty, muddy water after the rains, waste in drainage channels, waste that has collected in places for years without being addressed and trampled underfoot or hidden in grass and sadly waste just dumped roadside. There is also lots of plastic and other waste just thrown aside littering our public spaces. T4C has tried to clear all this in the past 4 weeks. The next 2 weeks will see a return to this long stretch of road and to see if people are changing habits as they recognize how their environment can be with a little thought and effort.
What we want to see is people taking responsibility for their waste and disposing of it properly - rather than burning it or seeing people clearing it up and thinking they can therefore continue with bad habits. We hope people consider ways they do proper disposal and waste segregation and recycling/repurposing. Trash can be an opportunity and not just a massive problem.
We recognize that in order for people to change they need help and this comes from government and others to provide education on household waste management and also options for better disposal and waste segregation. T4C is talking to such authorities and supporters to think through such options and invest in them.
A special thanks to all our supporters and big shout out to Base Titanium for their very generous donation and everyone else that has contributed and to the team of volunteers giving their time to Protect our home and our community. Please support our efforts by making a contribution HERE or HERE….