Asante Sana!


On behalf of our whole team – I just wanted to write you all a short note to say thank you for your generosity in support of our project. In the end we raised about $8,000, with another $3,000 offline – so a good amount.  Yes, still a long way off the $250k we set ourselves – but it's good to dream and I’m certain we’ll get there somehow.

The boat is looking awesome…it’s going to be a shame to put the flipflop outer shell on it, as the craftsmanship on the plastic lumber is very impressive – but when we do, it's going to look FAB… super colourful and bound to get lots of attention on the issue of ocean plastics, which is what its all about. 

Knowing that we have the trust and support from so many people around the world is a big motivation to use the Flipflopi to do the maximum to change attitudes to single use plastic… and I know already that its making a difference. Thank you again, and next time you are in Lamu, please come aboard and see the floating plastic wonder for yourselves :-)
p.s. If you’d like to see 30 seconds of what Ali and his team are up to on the boat before it’s clad in the flipflop panels then have a look Here...

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